Wednesday, September 29, 2010


i just finished reading Open, Andre Agassi's autobiography and I loved it! it was recommended by a good friend who thought it might inspire me, which it totally did. at a point in my life when i have no less than a million thoughts swimming through my head at every moment, none of which make sense or seem connected - the book provides some relief in knowing everybody has similar struggles, the hardest one always seeming to be with oneself. i hope this helps me sort out some of the mumbo jumbo crowding my thoughts.

i especially enjoyed the opening quote:

One cannot always tell what it is that keeps us shut in, confines us, seems to bury us, but still one feels certain barriers, certain gates, certain walls. Is all this imagination, fantasy? I do not think so. And then one asks: My God! Is it for long, is it for ever, is it for eternity? Do you know what frees one from this captivity? It is very deep serious affection. Being friends, being brothers, love, that is what opens the prison by supreme power, by some magic force.

 - Vincent van Gogh, letter to his brother, July 1880

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

the times

some pics from my latest trip to vegas for amy's bach <3  i had much more fun than anticipated, which i think is always the best - pleasant surprises =)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


currently jamming out to: passion pit - album: chunk of change

the past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind ride for me. to keep it short and sweet, and as TheDailyLove put it - the universe has shaken you to awaken you. i've always been a strong believer in living and learning and always growing, but sometimes i get complacent and forget. and so, from an undesirable and difficult situation emerges a better ME. and fully knowing that you are always your harshest critic, i continue to remind myself to not take myself so seriously. and to take each day for what it's worth - a true blessing <3

on a much lighter note, i picked up some little things a few weeks ago at bcbgeneration that bring a smile to my face. and at 50% off with an additional 30% off, the price was right!

fun nailpolish and cute creative keychain monsters =)